University of California, Irvine 1972 - 1973
Pomona College - Bachelor of Arts (Magna cum laude) 1973 - 1976
Washington University School of Medicine - M.D. 1976 - 1980
University of California, Irvine - Internal Medicine Internship 1980 - 1981
University of California, San Diego, Dermatology Residency 1981 - 1983
St. John's Hospital For Diseases of the Skin, London, U.K. -Dermatology Residency 1983 - 1984
University of Illinois, Chicago - Mohs Surgery Fellowship 1987 - 1988
Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology 1984 and 2010
Diplomate, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery - Full Certification 1997
(Non-ABMS certifying board)
Texas Physician Full Permit
Adjunct Associate Professor of Dermatology
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine
July, 2021 to Present
Doctor of Medicine 1980
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
Bachelor of Arts (Magna cum laude) 1976
Pomona College
Claremont, California
Fellowship: Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatological Surgery 1987 - 1988
University of Illinois at Chicago
Residency: Overseas Registrar 1983 - 1984
St. John's Hospital For Diseases of the Skin
London, UK
Clinical Assistant in Dermatology 1983 - 1984
The Hospital For Sick Children
London, UK
Residency: Division of Dermatology 1981 - 1983
University of California, San Diego
Internship: Internal Medicine 1980 - 1981
University of California, Irvine Medical Center
Adjunct Associate Professor 2021 to present
Department of Surgery
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine
Associate Professor 2017 - 2021
Department of Surgery
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine
Associate Professor of Dermatology 2009 - 2012
Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center College of Medicine
Temple, Texas
Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology (Voluntary) 1989 - 2009
University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine
San Diego, California
Assistant Clinical Professor (Full‑time faculty) 1984 - 1989
Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine
University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine
San Diego, California
Chief, Dermatology Section 1987 - 1987
Veterans Administration Medical Center
San Diego, California
Clinical Instructor 1987 - 1988
Department of Dermatology
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Clinical Tutor 1983 - 1984
The Institute of Dermatology
The University of London
London, United Kingdom
Magna Cum Laude (Pomona College) 1976
Phi Beta Kappa (Pomona College) 1976
Alpha Kappa Delta (National Sociology Honor Society) 1976
Teacher of the Year Award (First Recipient) 1984
Division of Family Medicine
University of Calif., San Diego School of Medicine
Channel 10 Leadership Award (KGTV, San Diego, CA) 1989
Director, Gang-Related Tattoo Removal Program
Top Doctors Award 2004
San Diego County Medical Society & San Diego Magazine
Distinguished Service Award (First Recipient) 2005
American Society For Mohs Surgery
Volunteer Appreciation Award, Consultant Dermatologist 2006 & 2007
U.S. Olympic Training Center, Chula Vista, CA
Honorary Membership 2008
Australasian College of Skin Cancer Medicine
Honorary Membership 2012 & 2019
Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgery, 2012, 2019
Texas Super Doctors (Texas Monthly Magazine), 2014 - 2021
Christian E. Radcliffe, MD Memorial Lectures 2020
Iowa State Dermatological Society
Noah Worcester Dermatological Society Membership 2021
Association of Surgical Faculty Nomination 2023
American Academy of Dermatology
Presidential Citation (for Career Excellence in Teaching Mohs Surgery)
American Academy of Dermatology 2024
Chief, Dermatology Section, V.A. Medical Center, La Jolla, California 1984 - 1987
Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Dermatology 1984 - 1987
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatological Surgery Fellowship 1987 - 1988
University of Illinois at Chicago
Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology 1988 - 1989
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine (Full-time faculty)
Private Practice 1989 - 2003 South Bay Skin & Cancer Medical Group, Inc.
Chula Vista, CA
Private (Solo) Practice 2003 - 2009
Chula Vista, CA
Director of Dermatologic and Skin Cancer Surgery 2009 - 2012
Department of Dermatology, Scott and White Medical Center
Temple, TX
Mohs Surgeon and Dermatologic Surgeon 2012 - 2013
Skin Cancer and Surgery Center
Irving, TX
(Practice purchased by DermOne, Texas in December, 2013)
Mohs Surgeon and Dermatologic Surgeon 2013 - 2018
DermOne Dermatology Centers
Irving, Grand Prairie & Mesquite, Texas
Mohs Surgeon and Dermatologic Surgeon 2018 - 2021
U.S. Dermatology Partners
Grapevine, Plano & Carrollton, Texas
Expert Witness Services 2021 – present
Lewisville, TX
- Board of Directors 1990 - 1991
California Congress of Dermatological Societies
- Founder, First Secretary‑Treasurer and President‑Elect 1990
San Diego Dermatologic Surgery Society
- President 1991
San Diego Dermatologic Surgery Society
- President 1993
American Society For Mohs Surgery
- Allied Health Care/Patient Advocate Liaison Committee 1993 - 1997
American Academy of Dermatology
- Professional Conduct Committee 1993 - 1995
San Diego County Medical Society
- Executive Committee of Advisory Board 1995 - 1996
American Academy of Dermatology
- Founder and Director 1995 - 2018
Fundamentals of Mohs Surgery Course
- Regulatory Issues Committee 1996 - 2000
American Academy of Dermatology
- Board of Directors 1996 - 1999
American Society For Mohs Surgery
- Founder and Program Director 1998 - 2004
Gang-Related Tattoo Removal Program
Sweetwater Union High School District
- Secretary/Treasurer and President-Elect 1998
San Diego Dermatological Society
- President 1999
San Diego Dermatological Society
- Board of Directors 1999 - 2006
California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
- Board of Directors 2000 - 2001
California Society of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery
- Nominating Committee 2005 - 2014
American Society For Mohs Surgery
- Board of Directors 2007 - 2010
American Society For Mohs Surgery
- Editorial Advisory Board 2007 - 2015
Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology
- Chief Surgical Editor 2009 - 2012
- Board of Directors 2015 - Present
International Member
Australasian College of Cutaneous Oncology
- Founding Member 2022 - Present
Global Melanoma Initiative
American Academy of Dermatology
American College of Mohs Surgery
Australasian College of Cutaneous Oncology
Noah Worcester Dermatological Society
- Steinman, H.K. and Tuteur, P: Streptokinase/Streptodornase for skin testing. New England Journal of Medicine 300:46‑47, 1979
- Bernard, J.D., Owen, W.R., Steinman, H.K., Kaplan, L.A., Menkes, A.B., and Baden, H.P: Inflammatory verrucous epidermal nevus: Epidermal protein analysis in four patients. Archives of Dermatology 120:214‑215, 1984
- Steinman, H.K., Griffiths, W.A.D., and Levene, G.M: Methotrexate in lieu of razoxane for incapacitating psoriasis. Lancet i:458‑459, 1984
- Steinman HK. Pathology quiz case 2. Bowenoid papulosis (BP). Archives of Dermatology 120:1508-9, 1984
- Steinman, H.K. and Pappenfort, R.B: White piedra: A case report and review of the literature. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 9:591‑598, 1984
- Logan, R., Feher, M.D., and Steinman, H.K: The prevalence of water induced itching. British Journal of Dermatology 111:734‑736, 1984
- Steinman, H.K., Lovell, C.R., and Cronin, E: Immediate type hypersensitivity to Crataegus monogyna (hawthorne). Contact Dermatitis 11:321, 1984
- Steinman, H.K. and Greaves, M.W: Aquagenic pruritus. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 13:91‑98, 1985
- Kligman, A.M., Greaves, M.W., and Steinman, H.K: Water induced itching without cutaneous signs: Aquagenic pruritus. Archives of Dermatology 122:183‑186, 1986
- Lotti, T.M., Steinman, H.K., Fabbri, P., Greaves, M.W., and Panconesi: Increaased cutaneous fibrinolytic activity in aquagenic pruritus. International Journal of Dermatology 25:508‑510, 1986
- Stotts, J.S. and Steinman, H.K: Congenital segmental pigmented lesions. Archives of Dermatology 123:251, 1987
- Young, L.C., Steinman, H.K: Acquired ichthyosis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and Kaposi's sarcoma. Journal of the Academy of Dermatology 16:395‑396, 1987
- Steinman, H.K., Kobza‑Black, A., Lotti, T.M., Brunetti, L. Panconesi, E., and Greaves, M.W: Polycythaemia rubra vera and water‑induced pruritus: Blood histamine levels and cutaneous fibrinolytic activity before and after water challenge. British Journal of Dermatology 116:329‑333, 1987.
- Steinman, H.K: Water‑induced pruritus. Clinics in Dermatology 5:41‑48, 1987.
- Cartwright, L.E. and Steinman, H.K: Malignant papillary mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testes: cutaneous metastases showing pagetoid epidermal invasion. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 17:887‑890, 1987.
- Stotts, J.S., Fang, M.L., Dannaker, C.J., and Steinman, H.S: Fenoprofen-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 18:755‑757, 1988.
- Scully, P.A., Steinman, H.K., Kennedy, C., Trueblood, K., Frisman, D.M., and Voland, J: A.I.D.S. related Kaposi's sarcoma displays differential expression of endothelial surface antigens. American Journal of Pathology 130:244‑ 251, 1988.
- Cartwright, L.E. and Steinman, H.K: Rapidly growing, asymptomatic, subcutaneous nodules. Archives of Dermatology 124:1559‑1564, 1988.
- Fang, M.L., Astarita, R.W., and Steinman, H.K: Cardiac calcifications and yellow papules in a young man. Archives of Dermatology 124:1559‑1564, 1988.
- Jones, J.C.R., Steinman, H.K. and Goldsmith, B.A: Hemidesmosomes (HDs), anchoring fibrils (AFs) and intermediate filaments (IFs) in basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Journal of Investigative Dermatology 93:662‑671, 1989
- Darmstadt, G.L. and Steinman, H.K: Mohs micrographic surgery of the head and neck. Western Journal of Medicine 152:153‑158, 1990
- Steinman, H.K: More on Mohs’. Western Journal of Medicine 153:665-6, 1990
- Kasch, J.A., Steinman, H.K., Kakita, L.S., and Billon, S.F: How the AAD should meet the challenges of the future: establish a House of Delegates (Editorial). Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 23:145‑149, 1990
- Steinman, H.K: Micrographic Surgery. Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology 20:88-9, 1994
- Grimes, P.E., Atkin, D.H., Cook-Bolden, F.E., Rubin, M.G., and Steinman, H.K: Evaluating the risks and benefits of treatment modalities for hyperpigmentation. Skin & Aging September (suppl): 3-22, 2005
- Steinman, H.K: A method for working with displeased patients – B.L.A.S.T. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 6:25-8, 2013
- Steinman, H.K. and Dixon, A: Letter to The Editor: “Skin Cancer Is Skin Cancer”: Readers Counter Editorial, Urge Re-assessment of classifications. Practical Dermatology Sept, 2014:15
- Anderson, S.J., Steinman, H.K., Mazzurco, J.D., and Dixon, A.J: Prolonged adverse events following photodynamic therapy: regulatory implications. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 13:62-8, 2014
- Dixon, A.J., Anderson, S.J., Mazzurco, J.D., and Steinman, H.K: Novel Photodynamic Therapy Does Not Prevent New Skin Cancers: Randomized Controlled Trial. Dermatologic Surgery 40:412-9; 2014
- Dixon, A., Anderson, S., Steinman, H., Nirenberg, A., and Dixon, J.B: Sentinel lymph node biopsy show has a limited role in melanoma management. Australian Family Physician 43:479-80; 2014
- Dixon, A.J., Nirenberg A., Anderson, S., Steinman, H.K., Dixon, J.B: Sentinel lymph node biopsy – reply. Australian Family Physician 43:665-6, 2014
- Steinman, H.K. and Dixon, A: Letter To The Editor: “Skin Cancer Is Skin Cancer”: Readers counter Editorial, urge re-assessment of classifications. Practical Dermatology Sept:15, 2014
- Steinman, H.K., Dixon, A., Clever, H: The characteristics of Mohs surgery performed by dermatologists who learned the procedure during residency training or through post-graduate courses and observational preceptorships. Proceedings (Baylor University Medical Center) 29:119–123, 2016
- Dixon A, Steinman H, Anderson A, Nirenberg A, Dixon J: Routine usage of sentinel node biopsy must cease. British Journal of Dermatology 175:1340-1341, 2016
- Dixon ZL, Dixon AJ, Anderson AJ, Dixon MP, Steinman HK, et al: Patients more likely to prefer surgery to novel photodynamic therapy. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research 7:358-61, 2016
- Sandoval LF, Steinman H: An Aggressive microcystic adnexal carcinoma infiltrating the sternum. Journal of Drugs Dermatology 16:611-612, 2017
- Dixon A, Steinman H, Anderson A, Nirenberg A, Dixon J: Authors’ response to a reply to: Re: Routine usage of sentinel node biopsy in melanoma management must cease. British Journal of Dermatology 177:579-580, 2017
- Steinman HK, Dixon A, Zachary CB: Reevaluating Mohs surgery appropriate use criteria for primary superficial basal cell carcinoma. JAMA Dermatology 154:755-756, 2018
- Steinman HK, Dixon A, Zachary CB: Mohs Appropriate Use Criteria for Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma-Reply. JAMA Dermatology 155:396-397,2019
- Carley SK, Dixon A, Zachary CB, Steinman HK: Revised Mohs surgery care guidelines for squamous cell carcinoma in-situ are overdue. Dermatology Online Journal 5:2, 2019
- Nirenberg A, Steinman H, Dixon J, Dixon A: Merkel Cell Carcinoma Update: The Case for Two Tumours. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology Venereology 34:1425-1431, 2020
- Nirenberg A, Steinman H, Dixon A: Melanoma Extravascular Migratory Metstasis: An Important Underrecognized Phenomenon. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology Venereology 34:e598-e599, 2020
- Steinman HK, Dixon A, Zachary CB. Commentary on "Superficial Basal Cell Cancers Demonstrate Higher Rates of Mixed Histology on High-Risk Anatomical Sites". Dermatologic Surgery 47:708-709, 2021
- Nirenberg A, Steinman H, Dixon A: Keratoacanthoma: Update on the debate. American Journal of Pathology 43:305–307, 2021
- Steinman HK, Dixon A, Zachary CB. “Reply to ‘Correlation of Basal Cell Carcinoma Subtype with Histologically Confirmed Subclinical Extension During Mohs Micrographic Surgery: A Prospective Multi-Center Study.’” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 87:e147-e148, 2022
- Dixon A, Kyrgidis A, Zachary C,...Steinman H, et al. “Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trial 1 - key primary data remain unavailable.” British Journal of Dermatology 187:997-998, 2022
- Dixon AJ, Steinman HK, Kyrgidis A, et al. Improved methodology in determining melanoma mortality and selecting patients for immunotherapy. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology Venereology 37:e843-e845, 2023
- Dixon AJ, Steinman HK, Kyrgidis A, et al. Online prediction tools for melanoma survival: A comparison. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology Venereology 37:1999-2003, 2023
- Casale J, Emerson C, Taylor A, Crane J, Steinman, H. The use of feminine hygiene sanitary pads as wound dressings for the inframmamary and inguinal folds. Indian Journal of Dermatology 68:589, 2023
- Dixon AJ, Kyrgidis A, Steinman HK, et al. ” Sentinel lymph node biopsy is unreliable in predicting melanoma mortality for both younger and older patients. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2024;38:741-751
- Zouboulis CZ, Dixon AJ, Steinman HK, et al. Age-associated metastatic potential of melanoma in lymph nodes. A preliminary gene association study. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Published online: February 13, 2024,
- Dixon AJ, Kyrgidis A, Sladden M, Nirenberg A, Steinman HK, et al. BAUSSS biomarker further validated as a key risk staging tool for primary melanoma patients. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Published online: February 20, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/jdv.19889
- Dixon, A.J., Sladden, M., Zouboulis, C.C., Popescu, C.M., Nirenberg, A., Steinman, H.K., Longo, C., Dixon, Z.L. and Thomas, J.M., 2024. Primary Cutaneous Melanoma—Management in 2024. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2024;13:1607.
- Dixon AJ, Steinman HK, Nirenberg A, et al. "BAUSSS biomarker improves melanoma survival risk assessment. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Published Online August 31, 2024.
- Dixon, AJ, Kyrgidis A, Sladden M, Steinman, HK, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy may no longer be a critical component of melanoma management. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2024 Sep 23. doi: 10.1111/jdv.20349. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39308188.
- Steinman, HK and Dixon, AJ. Larger Squamous cell carcinoma in-situ on high-risk sites require more stages of Mohs surgery. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, 2024 Sep 17. In press.
- Dixon, AJ, Sladden, M, Zouboulis, CC, Popescu, CM, Nirenberg, A, Steinman, HK, et al. Reply to Pennington, T.E.; Thompson, J.F. Sentinel Node Biopsy in Melanoma Remains a Valuable Clinical Tool. Comment on “Dixon et al. Primary Cutaneous Melanoma—Management in 2024. J. Clin. Med. 2024,13,1607 Journal of Clinical Medicine 2025;14:216
- Steinman, H.K. and Greaves, M.W: Aquagenic Pruritus: review of 29 cases. British Journal of Dermatology 111 (Suppl 26):15‑16, 1984
- Jones, J.C.R., Steinman, H.K. and Goldsmith, B.A: Hemidesmosomes (HDs), anchoring fibrils (AFs) and intermediate filaments (IFs) in basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Journal of Cell Biology 107:792A, 1988.
- Steinman, H.K., Goldsmith, B.A., Jones, J.C.R: A study of hemidesmosomes, anchoring fibrils, and intermediate filaments in basal cell carcinoma. Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology 15:459, 1989
- Adkisson, K. and Steinman, H.K: Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 64 (Suppl 1): AB167, 2011
- Scruggs, J.M. and Steinman, H.K: Reduction of interoperative and postoperative pain with trans-wound nerve blocks during Mohs micrographic surgery. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 66 (Suppl 1): AB211, 2012
- McCrory, A., Butler, D.F., Fiala, K., Steinman, H.K: Use of high-dose-rate brachytherapy for treatment of recurrent keloids of the ear. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 66 (Suppl 1): AB213, 2012
- Gross, K.G., Steinman, H.K., and Rapini, R: Mohs surgery: Fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Gross, K.G. and Steinman, H.K: Mohs surgery and histopathology: Beyond the fundamentals Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Greaves M.W., Black A.K., Steinman H., Koro O: Urticaria: Recent Advances, pg 227 - 229 in: Dermatology in Five Continents. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1988
- Steinman, H.K. and Gross, K.G: Basic Mohs Technique, pg 7-8, in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, H.K: Indications for Mohs surgery, pg 9 - 14, in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, H.K: Mohs surgical techniques, pg 49 - 66 in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, H.K: Mohs mapping, pg 79 - 90 in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, H.K: Specimen transport and initial tissue processing, pg 91 - 96 in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Gross, K.G. and Steinman, H.K: Basic approach to interpreting Mohs microscopic slides and basic microscope techniques, pg 139 - 142 in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, H.K: Glossary of selected Mohs surgical terms, pg 351 - 356 in Mohs surgery: fundamentals and techniques Mosby, Inc., 1999
- Steinman, D.A. and Steinman, H.K: Skin camouflage, pg 107 - 115 in Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery, 2nd Edition Saunders Elsevier, Inc. 2009
- Gross, K.G. and Steinman, H.K: Introduction, in Mohs surgery and histopathology: Beyond the fundamentals Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Steinman, H.K: Tissue preparation and chromocoding, in Mohs surgery and histopathology: Beyond the fundamentals Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Steinman, H.K: Mohs mapping, in Mohs surgery and histopathology: Beyond the fundamentals Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Gross, K.G. and Steinman, H.K: Forms and templates for Mohs surgery, in Mohs surgery and histopathology: Beyond the fundamentals Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Adkisson, K. and Steinman, H.K: “Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans treated with Mohs micrographic surgery.” American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, March, 2011
- Scruggs, J.M. and Steinman, H.K: “Reduction of interoperative and postoperative pain with trans-wound nerve blocks during Mohs micrographic surgery. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, March, 2012
- McCrory, A., Butler, D.F., Fiala, K., Steinman, H.K: Use of high-dose-rate brachytherapy for treatment of recurrent keloids of the ear. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, March, 2012
- Steinman, H.K: Cosmetic Camouflage. Dialogues in Dermatology 61(5), February 2008. American Academy of Dermatology
- Greenberg, M. (Host) and Steinman, H.K. (Guest): “Breaking down BLAST: A way to console displeased patients.” ReachMD Podcast. September, 2021. []
- Steinman, H.K: “Mohs surgery.”; the dermatology guide for patients March, 2009
- Steinman, D.A. and Steinman, H.K: “Cosmetic Camouflage”; the dermatology guide for patients March, 2009, 1984 ‑ June, 1987
- Bites, Mites, and Lice; Practical Dermatology & Dermatologic Office Procedures for the Primary Care Physician. University of California, San Diego; La Jolla, CA, 7/24/1987
- Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of the Skin. Practical Dermatology & Dermatologic Office Procedures for the Primary Care Physician; University of California, San Diego; La Jolla, CA, 7/24/1987
- Essentials of Mohs Surgery. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting; Palm Desert, CA, 5/18/1996
- Surgical Workshop: Skin Flaps and Grafts. American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Clinical Meeting; Indian Wells, CA, 2/4/1999
- Incorporating Camouflage Makeup Artistry into Your Cosmetic Surgical Practice. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting; Las Vegas, NV, 10/15/1999
- Mohs Surgery Closure Considerations. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting; Las Vegas, NV, 10/15/1999
- Camouflage make-up Therapy in a Cosmetic Surgical Practice. California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Annual Meeting; Indian Wells, CA, 11/14/1999
- Cosmetic camouflage. San Diego Dermatological Surgery Society; San Diego, CA, 1/24/2000
- Cosmetic camouflage. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting; Palm Beach, FL 9/30/2000
- Post-surgical camouflage makeup. American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Clinical Meeting; Cancun, Mexico, 2/3/2001
- Surgical pearls. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting; La Jolla, CA, 9/1/2001
- Surgical pearls. American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Clinical Meeting; San Diego, CA, 10/23/2001
- Incorporating Cosmetic Dermatology into a General Dermatology Practice. Pacific Dermatology Society Annual Meeting; Las Vegas, NV, 8/22/2003
- S-Lift for facial rejuvenation. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar; Orlando, FL, 5/15/2004
- Camouflage makeup. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar; Orlando, FL, 5/16/2004
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology I. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders; Dallas, TX, 5/4/2005
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology II. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders; Dallas, TX, 5/4/2005
- Botulinum toxin type A: Lower face. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar; Anaheim, CA, 5/13/2005
- Live Botulinum Toxin Type A Dermatology Demonstration. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar; Anaheim, CA, 5/13/2005
- The “S” lift: Preparation, planning and execution. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar; Anaheim, CA, 5/14/2005
- The art of cosmetic camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar Anaheim, CA, 5/15/2005
- Reconstructive forum – Moderator. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 5/29/2005
- Recognition of skin cancer. Paradise Valley Hospital Grand Rounds, National City, CA, 6/15/2005
- Topical Skin Care Rejuvenation Preparations – What Works In My Practice. Botox, Blephs & LASIK Conference, Newport Beach, CA, 8/26/2005
- Skin Rejuvenation with Chemical Peels in 2005. Botox, Blephs & LASIK Conference, Newport Beach, CA, 8/26/2005
- The “S” lift: Preparation, Planning and Execution. Botox, Blephs & LASIK Conference, Newport Beach, CA, 8/27/2005
- The Art of Cosmetic Camouflage . Botox. Blephs & LASIK Conference, Newport Beach, CA, 8/27/2005
- Cosmetic Camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation; Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Kauai, HI, 2/17/2006
- Facial Nerve Blocks. Skin Disease Education Foundation; Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Kauai, HI, 2/17/2006
- Cosmetic Camouflage - Focus Session. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3/7/2006
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology I. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 4/28/2006
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology II. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 4/29/2006
- The Art of Cosmetic Camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Scottsdale, AZ, 5/5/2006
- Botox For The Lower Face and Neck. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Scottsdale, AZ, 5/6/2006
- Live Botulinum Toxin Type A Dermatology Demonstration. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Scottsdale, AZ, 5/7/2006
- Incorporating Cosmetic Dermatology Into Your Practice: How to "Sell". Connectics Practice Management Seminar, Napa, CA, 9/8/2006
- Facial Nerve Blocks. Portrait® PSR3 National Workshop, Century City, CA, 10/14/2006
- Face Lift vs Contour Thread Lift. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting, Palm Desert, CA, 10/26/2006
- Painless Laser Surgery - Nerve Blocks, Distraction and the Gate Theory. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar. Wailea, HI, 3/4/2007
- Fillers and Facial Rejuvenation: Bridging the Gap. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI 3/4/2007
- Cosmetic Camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI, 3/8/2007
- Facial Aging & Facial Analysis for the Cosmetic Patient. Univ. of California., Irvine Dermatology Department Grand Rounds, Orange, CA 4/18/2007
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology I. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 5/3/2007
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology II. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 5/3/2007
- Facial Aging & Facial Analysis for the Cosmetic Patient. Empowher Woman's Health Conference, San Diego, CA, 5/3/2007
- Botulinum Toxin Type A: Lower Face Injections. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 5/4/2007
- The Beauty of the Nerve Block. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 5/5/2007
- The Art of Cosmetic Camouflage . Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 5/5/2007
- Reconstructive Forum – Moderator. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, 5/26/2007
- Facial Aging & Facial Analysis for the Cosmetic Patient. University of California, Irvine Dermatology Grand Rounds, Orange, CA, 8/26/2007
- Debate: Should the ASDS Train Physician Extenders? American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 10/12/2007
- Fillers and Facial Rejuvenation. Perspectives in Woman’s Health Conference, La Jolla, CA, 11/29/2007
- Cosmetic Camouflage - Focus Session. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2/1/2008
- Camouflage Makeup. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 3/7/2008
- Volumetric Changes in Bone Structure with Aging. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 3/7/2008
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology I, Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Atlanta, GA, 5/17/2008
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology II. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Atlanta, GA, 5/17/2008
- Understanding Aing: What are the Issues? Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA 6/5/2008
- Volumizers: The 3D Approach to The Face. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 6/6/2008
- The Beauty of the Nerve Block. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 6/7/2008
- The new Art of Cosmetic Camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar. Santa Monica, CA, 6/8/2008
- Cosmetic Dermatology. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, La Jolla, CA 7/26/2008
- Surgical Pearls Part 1. Australasian College of Skin Cancer Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, 8/29/2008
- Surgical Pearls Part 2. Australasian College of Skin Cancer Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, 8/30/2008
- Surgical Pearls. General Practitioners Medical Conference, Darwin, Australia, 9/5/2008
- Understanding Aging: What Are the Issues? Texas A&M Dermatology Grand Rounds,
Temple, TX, 10/10/2008
- Nerve Blocks for Fillers and Toxins. SDEF Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI, 2/13/2009
- Cosmetic Camouflage. SDEF Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI, 2/13/2009
- Dealing With Unhappy Patients. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/13/2009
- Cosmetic camouflage: The Answer. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/13/2009
- The Beauty of the Nerve Block. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 5/30/2009
- The New Art of Cosmetic Camouflage. Skin Disease Education Foundation Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 5/31/2009
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology I. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 3/28/2010
- Review of Cosmetic Dermatology II. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 3/29/2010
- Avoiding Complications. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 3/29/2010
- What's New in Cosmetic Dermatology. Skin Curriculum Overview for Physician Extenders, Dallas, TX, 3/29/2010
- Anatomy & Anesthesia in Cosmetic Dermatology. Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 5/13/2010
- Danger Zones for Cold Steel Surgery, Botox, Fillers and Peels/Lasers. Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 5/13/2010
- Cosmetic Camouflage. Cosmetic Dermatology Seminar, Santa Monica, CA, 5/15/2010
- Dealing With Unhappy Patients. SDEF 35th Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI, 3/17/2011
- What's New in Cosmetic Camouflage. SDEF 35th Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Wailea, HI, 3/18/2011
- Dermatologic Surgery Mishaps. 16th Annual Dermatologic Surgery-Focus on Skin Cancer, Orlando, FL, 5/28/2011
- Patient Satisfaction. 16th Annual Dermatologic Surgery-Focus on Skin Cancer, Orlando, FL, 5/28/2011
- Recognition and Treatment of Common Skin Cancers. Texas A&M Department of Family Medicine, Temple, TX 5/28/2011
- How Would You Fix This? Photodamaged Skin On and Off the Face. Summit in Aesthetic Medicine 2011, Dana Point, CA, 6/8/2011
- Keeping Patients Happy: How Do We Educate Patients to Remain Harmonious? Summit in Aesthetic Medicine 2011, Dana Point, CA, 6/10/2011
- Patient Satisfaction. California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, La Jolla, CA, 9/16/2011
- Dermatologic Surgery Mishaps. California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, La Jolla, CA, 9/17/2011
- BLAST Your Complaining Patients. Texas Dermatological Society, Temple, TX, 9/30/2011
- Surgical Danger Zones of the Head & Neck. Texas Dermatological Society Temple, TX, 10/1/2011
- Cosmetic Approach to the Aging Face. Texas Dermatological Society Temple, TX, 10/1/2011
- Cosmetic Camouflage: The Answer. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/23/2012
- Dealing with Unhappy Patients. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/23/2012
- Closure considerations. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, Chandler, AZ, 5/25/2012
- Dealing With Unhappy Patients. 17th Annual Dermatologic Surgery-Focus on Skin Cancer, Maui, HI, 5/25/2012
- Mohs Surgery. University of Florida Dermatology Residents Conference, Gainesville, FL, 6/29/2012
- Facial Danger Zones. 17th Annual Dermatologic Surgery-Focus on Skin Cancer, Maui, HI, 6/29/2012
- Enhancing Patient Satisfaction and Resolving Patient Complaints. Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, 11/2/2012
- Surgical Pearls: Simple, Effective, Cost-Effective Techniques. Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, 11/4/2012
- Facial Nerve Blocks. Dallas Fort Worth Dermatologic Society, Dallas, TX, 3/12/2013
- Dealing With Unhappy Patients. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/20/2014
- Facial Danger Zones. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Waikoloa, HI, 2/20/2014
- Dealing with Unhappy Patients. North Texas Society of Radiation Therapists Spring Symposium, Dallas, TX, 4/12/2014
- Dealing With Unhappy Patients. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Koloa, HI, 3/2/2015
- Facial Danger Zones. Skin Disease Education Foundation Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, Koloa, HI, 3/2/2015
- Deciding How to Close Mohs Surgery Wounds: A Useful Mnemonic. American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, 5/17/2016
- Have We Forgotten the Curette? 17th Las Vegas Dermatology Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, 11/11/2016
- Facial Aging. Campbell University Dermatology Residents Conference, Wilmington, NC, 3/16/2017
- Mohs Surgery Closure Considerations. Campbell University Dermatology Residents Conference, Wilmington, NC, 3/16/2017
- Enhancing Patient Satisfaction and Resolving Patient Complaints. Campbell University Dermatology Residents Conference, Wilmington, NC, 3/16/2017
- Assessing the Face for Cosmetic Procedures. Skin Disease Education Foundation Las Vegas Dermatology Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, 11/5/2017
- Toxins and Fillers: Avoiding Anatomic Danger Zones. Skin Disease Education Foundation Las Vegas Dermatology Seminar. Las Vegas, NV, 11/5/2017
- Have We Forgotten the Curette? American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 5/25/2018
- Temple, Cheek, & Chin Closure Considerations. American Society for Mohs Surgery Closure Course, Las Vegas, NV, 2/2/2019
- Anatomic Dangers Zones in Dermatologic Surgery. Florida Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, West Palm Beach, FL, 4/6/2019
- Temple, Cheek, & Chin Closure Considerations. American Society for Mohs Surgery Closure Course, Las Vegas, NV, 1/21/2020
- Keeping Patients Happy: Enhancing Satisfaction and Resolving Complaints., Noah Worcester Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 6/25/2021
- Understanding Mohs Surgery and its Indications. HMP Global Dermatology Week Conference 2022, Online Conference, 5/12/2022
- Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Principals and Benefits. HMP Global: Fall Dermatology Week 2022, Online Conference, 9/15/2022
- The Appropriateness of Mohs Surgery for Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma. Noah Worcester Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Napa, CA, 5/4/2023
PRESENTATIONS: American Society for Mohs Surgery Annual Course Lectures, San Diego, CA
- Basic Mohs Techniques 03/10/95
- Basic Mohs Mapping 03/10/95
- Indications for Mohs Surgery 03/11/95
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 03/11/95
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/17/95
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/17/95
- Indications for Mohs Surgery 11/18/95
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/18/95
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/20/1996
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/20/1996
- Indications for Mohs Surgery 11/21/1996
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/21/1996
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/20/1997
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/20/1997
- Indications for Mohs surgery 11/21/1997
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/21/1997
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/12/1998
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/12/1998
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/13/1998
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/10/1999
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/10/1999
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/11/1999
- Indications for Mohs surgery 11/12/1999
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/9/2000
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/9/2000
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/10/2000
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/8/2001
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/8/2001
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/9/2001
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/7/2002
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/7/2002
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/8/2002
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/6/2003
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/6/2003
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/7/2003
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/10/2005
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/10/2005
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/11/2005
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/9/2006
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/9/2006
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/10/2006
- Surgical Pearls 11/11/2006
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/8/2007
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/8/2007
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/9/2007
- Surgical Pearls 11/10/2007
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/6/2008
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/6/2008
- Advanced Mohs surgery 11/7/2008
- Surgical Pearls 11/8/2008
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/6/2009
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/6/2009
- Advanced Mohs Techniques 11/7/2009
- Surgical Pearls 11/8/2009
- Basic Mohs Techniques 11/4/2010
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/4/2010
- Advanced Mohs Techniques 11/5/2010
- History of Mohs surgery and the ASMS 11/5/2010
on its 20th Anniversary 1990-2010 - Surgical Pearls 11/7/2010
- Basic Mohs surgery 11/3/2011
- Mohs Mapping 11/3/2011
- Advanced Mohs Techniques and Mapping 11/4/2011
- History of the ASMS 11/4/2011
- ASMS Preceptor Program 11/4/2011
- Surgical Pearls 11/5/2011
- Basic Mohs surgery 11/8/2012
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/8/2012
- Advanced Mohs Techniques and Mapping 11/9/2012
- History of the ASMS and the 11/9/2012
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Closure Considerations 11/10/2012
- Patient Satisfaction: BLAST 11/10/2012
- Surgical Pearls 11/10/2012
- Basic Mohs Mapping 10/31/2013
- Advanced Mohs Techniques and Mapping 10/31/2013
- Patient Satisfaction: BLAST 11/1/2013
- History of the ASMS and the 11/1/2013
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Closure Considerations 11/2/2013
- Anatomic Danger Zones 11/2/2013
- Surgical Pearls 11/2/2013
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/6/2014
- Basic Mohs surgery 11/6/2014
- Advanced Mohs Techniques and Mapping 11/7/2014
- History of the ASMS and the 11/7/2015
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Anatomic Danger Zones 11/8/2015
- Surgical Pearls 11/8/2015
- Closure Considerations 11/8/2015
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/3/2016
- Advanced Mohs Techniques and Mapping 11/3/2016
- Anatomic Danger Zones 11/4/2016
- History of the ASMS and the 11/4/2016
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Basic Mohs Mapping 11/9/2017
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/9/2017
- Mohs Mapping 11/9/2017
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/9/2017
- Anatomic Danger Zones 11/10/2017
- History of Mohs Surgery 11/10/2017
- Facial Danger Zones 11/10/2017
- History of ASMS; 11/10/2017
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Basic Mohs Mapping 11/8/2018
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/8/2018
- History of ASMS; ASMS Preceptorship Program 11/9/2018
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/14/2018
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/14/2018
- History of the ASMS and the 11/15/2018
ASMS Preceptorship Program - Overview of Mohs Surgery 11/7/2019
- Basic Mohs Mapping 11/7/2019
- Advanced Mohs Mapping 11/7/2019